第二百七十七章 门第(2 / 4)

画中的薛定谔 文山雪 2699 字 2023-02-22


“Jesus! This is the fifth or sixth? You guys are just too damn amazing!”

“It’s gonna be the seventh. Remember that? Maybe you do not know,somebody call me Mr. Penis! Hehehe…”

“Hohohoho…Okay, I hear you, P!”颂亚笑得眼睛眯成了一条缝,这还是第一次听包务恩提起自己的绰号,在一个有相当身份和地位的人口中这样的话,怎么听着就怎么都觉着怪。

“Okay, I let you go. Talk ya later.”

“Later, man!” 放下电话,颂亚的心里轻松了许多。他这一辈子能称得上交心的朋友大概不超过五个,他也很想包务恩能成为第六个。为了一份薪水,他犯不着在退休以后少一个一起喝酒打发时间的好朋友。他打定了主意,起身往会议室走去。那儿,几个手下正等着他。


“Okay, gentlemen, now what?”


“It’s over, Song! You lost him! Listen, you guys have caused too much chaos here. Just couldn’t be any worse. Let me tell you something, Nobody here can afford for any further political consequences. This is just too much. I’m really fed up with this kinda cowboy-style stunt move.”

颂亚完全明白郑煌在说什么。他现在必须承认,这次行动是完全失败的。让柳天云从他们的眼皮底下被人带走,牟子宽这样的诈骗犯逃之夭夭,就意味着他携带的艺术品资料也完全xiaosu了。可是,颂亚当然不甘心就这么认输。在这一点上,他和郑家是一致的:即使资料拿不回来了,人一定要找到,live or dead。

“Song,I agree that we failed this operation. But I don’t wanna let this guy just walk away like that. Someone should be criminally responsible for the consequences. Just think about the result, what are they gonna tell the public?”

“Okay, but we don’t have many resources available. There’s too much bad news to be cleaned up right at this moment.”颂亚也不想把话说得太绝了,虽然是郑家在背后操纵,但明面上这毕竟是泰国和缅甸政府部门之间的合作行动。

“We can do it!”

就在仰光东区那儿兵慌马乱的时候,也是一片忙乱的西部地区报警电话中心“199” 的接线员缇娜接到了一个车辆报失的电话。对方用很生硬的英语告诉她:“My car was stolen tonight.”

“What’s your name, sir?”


“What’s your driver’s license number?”


“Your car’s license plate number, please?”

“VEN 4168.”

“Okay…please hold for a sec. So that’s a red1999 Benz Convertible.When was the last time you saw your car?And where was it?”

“Around nine o’clock. I parked my car in the parking lot right behind aChinese Hotpot Restaura